Please be aware that we are currently still experiencing some problems with our phone system when receiving calls. We are working to fix this issue as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience. 

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Dispensing Policy 

We are Dispensing Practice. This means that we can dispense medication to our patients, prescribed by the Doctor or Nurse. Patients must meet criteria set out by the NHS to qualify as a dispensing patient.

In general, if a patient lives one mile from their nearest Chemist, then they can be a dispensing Patient and are able to obtain their medication right here at the Surgery Dispensary. If you are in doubt, please ask our Receptionists or Dispensers. Our friendly team will be able to assist you with your prescription needs and answer any questions that you may have.

Electronic Prescription Service

Should a patient be a 'non-dispensing' patient for any reason, then we can provide access to the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS).

We are now using electronic prescriptions, find out how this benefits you here.

This service allows us to send prescriptions electronically to the Patients preferred pharmacy

Dispensary Opening Hours: 

Monday - Friday 8am - 1pm and 2pm - 6pm 


Dispensing Pricing and Pre Payment Certificates 

Prescription charge (for each quantity of drug or appliance): £9.90 

If you will have to pay for four or more prescription items in three months, or more than 14 items in 12 months, you may find it cheaper to buy a Pre Payment Certificate.  PPCs are available by 10 monthly direct debit instalment payments.
3-month Pre Payment Certificate: £32.05 
12-month Pre Payment Certificate (PPC): £114.50

Below is a link to the NHS site for buying a prescription prepayment certificate (NHSBSA – NHS Business Services Authority) 

Telephone: 0300 330 1341

If you get prescriptions for hormone replacement therapy (HRT), you may save more with the HRT Pre Payment Certificate NHS Hormone Replacement Therapy Prescription Prepayment Certificate (HRT PPC) | NHSBSA or Patients can call 0300 330 2089.