Please be aware that we are currently still experiencing some problems with our phone system when receiving calls. We are working to fix this issue as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience. 

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Ear wax

Ear wax is naturally occurring, it provides protection for your ears against dust, dirt and bacteria and can help to prevent infection. The amount of wax an individual has varies from person to person and depends on environment, diet, and age. In most cases it will not cause any problems and should be left alone without any attempts to remove it. Ear wax only becomes a problem if a build-up is causing symptoms (e.g., deafness, pain) or a health professional needs a clear view of your ear drum.

Please see the following leaflet about ear wax.

Advice to help you manage and prevent ear wax blockages - Information leaflet

If your wax has not settled with self care measures you will need to access ear cleaning privately unless you meet the criteria within the leaflet.

When to seek help:

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms make an appointment at your []GP surgery to have your ears examined and appropriately treated.

  • Pain
  • Discharge or bleeding from the ear
  • Sudden deafness
  • Dizziness
  • Foreign bodies (you may be advised to attend your local emergency department)